Spy Pen Camera

Spy Camera Recorder Pen can be used to record images and sound secret agent mission. Spy Pen Camera Can be inserted / placed into your shirt, by the way the front of the pen stand or placed on the desk so no one will know if you're secretly recording their every movement.

Made into a form that the usb and the video can be instantly ready to be inserted into the computer via USB, and with 2GB memory and 4 GB you will get the time nearly 3 hours of recording. With color video that can be encoded and transmitted into the system to MPEG 4 and if the battery is weak during the recording began, the pen automatically stores all data that have previously recorded. This tool is a perfect tool / suitable for recording confessions, secret meetings or interviews. Pen Camera can also be used as a tool for writing.

* Size: 150mm * 15mm * 15mm
* Weight: 30g
* Small form has many uses.
* Very well be used as a surveillance camera.
* Video recording format: AVI video format
* Berwana video and clear voice that makes you hear clearly what was said
* Place it up high or conceal it down low. With built-in rechargeable
battery so there's no long cord for you to hide.
* Internal memory: 2gb and 4gb
* Video recording can only be played on computers or laptops

Camera Technical Parameters:
* Video resolution: AVI video format
* Isa record images and sound
* Internal memory: Yes
* Flash: 2GB and 4GB
* Recording mode: continuous recording until memory is full or
manually off
* Adapter type: USB adapter charging cable
* Battery type: Lithium-ion
* Time record: - + 3 hours (2GB) and - +6 hours (4GB)
* Battery use time: about 90 minuts

Starting your Mini Pen Interview Recorder:
* Step 1: Press the switch, it begins to kinescope as soon as being
turned on. The blue light will turn on during kinescoping.
* Step 2: Press the switch again, it will begin to save data and then
turn off, at this time, the light turns to yellow, reflect that the
pen DVR is at sleeping status (that means do not kinescope or shut down
* Step 3: If need to kinescope again, press the switch once more, then
can come back to kinescope, during this time, the light will turn to
blue again.
* Step 4: Hold down the switch for 5s, then the power switch is off,
after shutting down the pen DVR, there is no guide light.
* Step 5: When finish charging the battery, the light stops
Glittering and the yellow light keeps on, which means that battery is
fully charged.
* Step 6: It will turn itself off when the battery has been used up.
And will save the kinescoped files before automatically shutting down.

* Do not switch "RESET" button when the machine is recording,
otherwise the data will not be saved.


Indonesia language :
Spy Pen Camera Recorder bisa digunakan untuk merekam gambar dan suara misi agen rahasia. Dapat dimasukkan / diletakkan ke dalam kemeja anda, Dengan cara berdiri tempat didepan pulpen atau ditaruh di atas meja tulis jadi tidak seorang pun akan tahu kalau anda sedang diam-diam merekam setiap gerakan mereka.

Dibuat ke dalam bentuk usb sehingga video itu dapat dan langsung siap untuk dimasukkan ke dalam komputer lewat USB, dan dengan memori 2GB serta 4 GB anda akan mendapatkan waktu
hampir 3 jam merekam. Dengan video berwarna yang dapat disandi dan diteruskan ke dalam sistem untuk MPEG 4 dan jika baterei mulai lemah selama merekam, pulpen tersebut otomatis menyimpan semua data yang sudah terekam sebelumnya. Alat ini merupakan alat yang sempurna / cocok untuk rekaman pengakuan,
pertemuan rahasia atau wawancara. Pen Camera ini dapat juga di gunakan sebagai alat untuk menulis.

Features :
* Ukuran : 150mm*15mm*15mm
* Berat : 30g
* Bentuknya yang kecil memiliki banyak kegunaan.
* sangat baik digunakan sebagai kamera pengintai.
* Format video rekaman : AVI video format
* video berwana dan suara yang jernih membuat anda mendengar dengan jelas apa yang dikatakan
* Place it up high or conceal it down low. With built-in rechargeable
battery so there’s no long cord for you to hide.
* Internal memory: 2gb and 4gb
* Video rekaman hanya bisa diputar di komputer atau laptop

Camera Technical Parameters :
* resolusi video : AVI video format
* isa rekam gambar dan suara
* Internal memory: Yes
* Flash: 2GB and 4GB
* Recording mode :continuous recording until memory is full or
manually off
* Adaptor type: USB adaptor charging cable
* Battery type : Lithium-ion
* waktu rekam : -+ 3 hour(2GB) and -+6hour(4GB)
* Battery use time : about 90 minuts

Cara penggunaan Mini Pen Interview Recorder:
* Langkah 1: Tekan tombol yang ada untuk mulai mengaktifkan. Lampu biru akan menyala selama kinescoping.
* Langkah 2: Tekan tombol lagi, itu akan mulai menyimpan data dan kemudian
mematikan, saat ini lampu berubah menjadi kuning, mencerminkan bahwa
pena DVR adalah pada status mati / off.
* Langkah 3: Jika perlu untuk kinescope lagi, tekan tombol sekali lagi, lalu
dapat kembali ke kinescope, selama waktu ini, cahaya akan berubah untuk
biru lagi.
* Langkah 4: Tekan dan tahan tombol untuk 5s, maka saklar daya dimatikan,
setelah mematikan pena DVR, tidak ada panduan cahaya.
* Langkah 5: Setelah selesai mengisi daya baterai, lampu berhenti
berkilauan dan lampu kuning terus, yang berarti bahwa baterai
* Langkah 6: Ini akan mematikan dirinya sendiri ketika baterai telah habis.
Dan akan menyimpan file sebelum kinescoped menutup secara otomatis.

Perhatian: Astaga.com lifestyle on the net
* Jangan aktifkan "RESET" tombol ketika mesin perekaman,
jika tidak data tidak akan disimpan.

2GB $40 (324 x 238)
4Gb $45 (324 x 238)
4GB $80 (640 x 480)